Marie Janine - CBD Black tea
New cannabis icon, Marie Janine makes you (re) discover this plant in a legal and fun way.
She offers a colorful and sexy range that decomplexifies hemp.
Black tea with CBD.
Capacity approx 100gr including 10% of CBD flowers.
Ingredients from organic farming.
Please note that the labels are currently only in French.
Black tea with CBD.
Contains about 100gr of which 10% of CBD flowers.
Ingredients from organic farming.
Warning labels are only in French currently.
CBD is also available in tea bags. If you do not vape or would like to keep your tea habits while enjoying the benefits of CBD, CBD Tea Bags are perfect for you! CBD in tea can be a very soft and easy way to enjoy CBD. It can improve your mood, relax you and even ease down some of your chronic small chronic pain. Enjoy your CBD infused tea and shop with Odile with FAST delivery, BEST PRICE and BEST quality in Europe.
If you have any questions regarding CBD, whether it is how to choose a product or the pros and cons of consuming it, you can refer to our complete
CBD FAQ here